Vanessa’s carefully crafted vocal technique will inspire you to fulfill your purpose. She embraces the essence of a spirit of love as she specializes in using music and spoken words to teach principles so you can win in life. She will encourage you to find your vision, achieve your dreams, and fulfill your purpose. You will be equipped to make wise decisions, stay away from distractions, and trade fear with faith. Vanessa will inspire, motivate and educate you in a very entertaining and fun way. Her heartfelt music and messages will inspire you to live your dreams, use your talents to uplift everyone around you, and encourage you to complete the mission you were born to do.

Here is a sampling of organizations Vanessa has worked with:

Vanessa has performed for church groups, singles groups, youth conferences, girls camps, and women’s organizations. Click here for her full bio. 

 To schedule Vanessa for your next event, a speaking engagement, or conference, please contact us here

Inspiration Comes from Many Sources…

Keep Moving Forward

Do you wake up each day and know where you are headed? Do you have a direction you want to go? Do you let distractions in your life take you off your path? Is what you are doing taking you closer or farther away from your God given purpose? Keep…

Just Keep Pedaling

No matter where you are right now, just keep pedaling. God has so much more in store for you. Do you want more life and abundance? It's the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy us. We learn in John 10:10 that we can experience…

Blessings Never Run Out

Did you know that the blessings you have now and in the future never run out? It’s not like God says, hey that’s enough, she’s got enough we can leave her alone for now. No! He continues to bless us forever. There is plenty. Take courage…

Your Personal GPS

Did you know you can program your own GPS? It is very powerful when you write down your goals on paper. Start to write down your thoughts in your journal. When you start writing down your dreams and goals on paper, your chance of success…

Do You Have Quiet Time?

Do you have a journal? Grab your favorite pen and find a quiet space. Get cozy and spend some time thinking and pondering about what you need to do in your life. What is it that is calling you? What is it that is in your heart to do? Write…

Replace Worry With This

There is a lot going on right now that is unsettling. The world is in turmoil. People are sick, afraid, unhappy, irritated and worried. Too often we are rushing around, trying to get to our next destination. We are fretting about this or…

All Is Well

I had a friend text me, "All is well" one day. This friend knew I might be troubled and those words really comforted me at the time. When you are tempted to get discouraged, remember to say the words, "all is well" out loud. It will help take the…

Speak Words of Faith

When life is going well, it's easy to speak positive words from our mouth. When adversity or trials face us, what are we saying about our situation? Are we speaking words of faith? When we're going through a hardship, it is at this…

Think Power Thoughts

Are your thoughts limiting you? We become what we think about. When things are not going our way, it's easy to have stressed out thoughts, defeating thoughts, and weak thoughts. Thinking thoughts like, "I'll never get better." Or, "My…

This Too Shall Pass

This too shall pass. Persevere. Endure. When you are tired, you shall receive the crown of life that the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. (James 1:12) Things will change. This isn't forever. Hold on. Press on. Carry…

Sweet By And By

"By And By" is a phrase used in the bible that means "in a while" or "soon". Another phrase used often in the Bible is "In due time" I don't know about you but I love knowing the time. It's hard to sit and wait. The delicate hymn…

Softly And Tenderly

We all have really busy lives. When was the last time you took a minute? Just 60 seconds to pause, breathe and do nothing? I bet it's been a while right? I challenge you to do it right now. Close your eyes. God speaks to our hearts…

His Eye Is On You

We had a storm and a little sparrow was on the side of my house, clinging carefully. I felt so sorry for this little bird, she wasn't able to fly in the strong winds that were blowing. She couldn't get back to her nest and take cover. It…

Achieve Goals Fast!

What do you want to achieve this year? We all have 175 days left until December 31st. What do you want to crossed off your list? One of the best ways to achieve goals faster is by writing them down, but write them like you've already…

Laugh More

I need to laugh more. How about you? It helps you to stay young and it's good for your health. It's a goal of mine. Smiling is the first thing that needs to happen, it is the start of laughter. When we let go and let loose our laughter…

How To Know Your Talent

Do you ever wonder if you have a talent? There is one way to know what your gift is, it’s when people say to you, “You’re super good at that.” This is your gift. What is your passion? This is another way to discover your…

Remind Yourself

When you feel inadequate remind yourself: You are a child of God You are loved by the King of Kings You are created in Gods image You are here for a purpose You are a gift As you do the exercises in the Daily Journal on…

Your Future is Ahead of You

The past is in the past. Your future is ahead of you, it is not behind you. Remember Lot’s wife? She looked back and became stuck. Are you like her sometimes? I know I am. When we continue to look at our past, we are not able…

What chapter are You on?

Have you been comparing your 1st chapter to someones final chapter? Listen to me right now. 🙂 You have no idea what it took for that person to get where they are today. All that matters is your chapter. What chapter are you writing…

Summer Salad Recipe

One of the hardest things to do while traveling and singing from place to place is to eat good. It is one of my goals to eat well and stay healthy. Do you want to know my favorite restaurant? The grocery store. Surprised? I know.…

People Are Waiting On You

Did you know there are people waiting for you to accomplish your goals? I met a man a few years back who came to my classes at BYU Education Week. He was in tears and could hardly speak. He told me how important my words and music had been…

Who Is Waiting On You?

I met a woman recently who hugged me and told me how much my music meant to her during the passing of her mother. In her words, "Your music brought heaven closer to me." My music impacted her life for good. Why am I telling you this? Because…

Talking To Yourself

What you say inside your head is MORE important than what you say to others. The little voice inside your head is the most influential sound you will ever hear. Successful people practice talking positively. It takes practice! It is…

The Power Of Positive Self Talk

The power of positive self talk is real. What you say about yourself, your life, your circumstance, effects you because you are listening. Did you know the most powerful tool you have is your tongue? Speaking positive words out loud will…

I'll Be Singing In Texas

I'll be singing in Houston, Texas this Sunday April 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints located on 505 Deseret Dr. Friendswood, TX 77546. I'll be singing many of the songs from my Sweet By and By Album. Hope…

Why Influential People Use A Journal

Do influential people use a journal? Of course. Why? Because we forget if it isn't written down. If we rely on our memory we won't remember. When you hear something inspiring keep a record of it, by writing it in a journal. When…

Write it Down

Jeremiah 30:2 says, Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book. If God told Jeremiah to do it, we can do it too. When we write it down, we will remember it. When we write it down, we focus on it more. When we…

Journaling Your Time

Do you want to know the next step you are supposed to take in your life? Do you want more clarity? Keeping a journal helps you to get direction for your life. It helps you sort out what is important for you. It helps you get in tune with…

Don’t Give Up

Your struggles, your hardships, your failures and anything that is making life hard on you right now is helping to build your strength for tomorrow’s victories. Don’t give up! Stay focused on moving forward, keep going on your path,…

Baby Steps For Your Goals

If you were to set a goal, you need to set baby steps to reach that goal. Every goal you set, needs to be broken down into tiny parts or you will get overwhelmed. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Most people don't…


Goals with clarity are the ones that get accomplished. If you have a goal to get out of debt? Don't just write "get out of debt" as your goal. No. Write down what you owe. Get the number off all your loans. Off your credit card,…

Set Clear Goals

Want to know the first way to be successful in accomplishing your goals? Set clear goals! The more focused they are, the more specific they are, the more understood they are, the clearer they are, the faster you will achieve it. When…

Design your year

Goal setting works! Start your year strong. Keep going with what you've decided you want to improve. Make that goal, write it down, and keep it before your eyes. All these success principals come from the greatest book ever written. It's…


Years ago somebody asked me what my vision was for my life. I thought he was asking me about my mission statement. Wrong answer. I finally learned how to get vision for my life, set goals the right way and it's been over a decade ago! The…


Wow! We tend to set the same exact goal 10 times with zero success story. Maybe you thought it in your head, but you didn't write it down? When we don't take the time to define what we want it's a lot harder to get there. What is it…

Goal Setting

Did you know year after year we tend to set the same goals? I did that! I set the same goals over and over again and found myself in the same place year after year. It wasn't until I started getting clear and specific. Then things really…

New Year Goals

60% of people who set New Years Goals quit after 6 months. That used to be me. Sad right? This happens year after year because why? The goals we tend to set are too vague. When you get clear as day, your goals will show up right…

New Years Resolutions

30% of those who set a New Years Resolutions quit after one week. - Spend less - Get organized - Travel - Read more Sound familiar? Most of the time, these goals don't work. Why? Because they are not clear and specific enough. When…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Most people all over the world are thinking about goal setting and vision right now. It's an exciting time. 50% of people living in America make a New Years Resolution but only 8% succeed! 8%???? Do you want your…

Merry Merry Christmas

Merry Merry Christmas to you! I hope and pray you are having a wonderful Christmas season with your family this year. This season truly represents the Savior of the world. He gave us the greatest gift of all. I am so grateful I get to…

Happy Christmas!

Hey there! I hope you are enjoying all the Christmas music playing everywhere this time of year. Check out my Christmas album on Spotify if you'd wish to hear traditional songs like, O Holy Night Joy To The World Away In A Manger Silent…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! For a limited time, you can access a free gift with purchase of the Daily Journal that is a great resource, if implemented WILL change your life.   Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Christmas Time Is Here!

Merry Christmas! Hope to see you in Ft. Lauderdale this weekend Dec 10! If not, please check this Christmas Video out! For a limited time, you can access a free gift with purchase of the Daily Journal that is a great resource, if…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Feeling grateful and not telling others is like wrapping up a gift and not giving it away. A grateful heart is a what attracts miracles to you. Thank you for being here and for reading these emails. Thank you for sticking with me all these…

What do you call a happy cowboy?

What do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher! As you do the exercises in my daily journal on a daily basis. You will start to see changes in yourself over time. You will begin to see your dreams a reality. Hope this encourages…

See You In Augusta

"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." -Leo Buscaglia Can't wait to see you! Sunday @ 6:30PM 835 N Belair Road Evans, GA 30809 As you do the exercises in the Daily Journal you will start…

You Will Make It

"Everyone deserves a chance to fly" -Elphaba, Wicked You're gonna make it through this and come out stronger!  Hardships help us. Don't forget what a diamond goes through to get sparkly. Coal is put under a LOT of pressure and comes…

Secrets Of Success

You know the story in the bible where Jesus and his disciples went to the pool of Bethesda? There was a man that had been living there near the pool for 38 years. He went there to get well. Jesus asked him a question. Wilt thou be made whole? In…

Do You Know Where Your Time Is Going?

Did you know in 10 years most people waste away enough time to get a college degree? That's 4 years! Why? Because they are distracted. How? By doing things like, looking for a lost item, not planning out your day, and even when…

3 Types Of People

"There are 3 types of people in the world. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened?" -Mary Kay Ash Do you know what you want to accomplish on earth? Do you know where you're headed? Mary…


"Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time." -Jim Rohn One step at a time. As you make journaling a priority one day at a time, and it becomes a consistent part of your daily routine,…


Don't over think it! When we overcomplicate things it doesn't help us. Keep It Simple Sister! Or K.I.S.S. for short. It is my favorite reminder these days. Keep It Simple as you look for things to be grateful for, and you will begin to notice…

Thank you!

Thank you for reading my emails. Thank you for staying in touch with me. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for writing me! I love hearing from you. Thank you for telling me how my music has blessed your life. I love hearing that more…

The Power of Journaling

Journaling helps you sort out your thoughts. Your amazing life becomes even better as you do the gratitude exercise in My Daily Journal on a daily basis. You will start to see changes in yourself over time. After 21 days you will notice…

Positive Messages

Positive messages coming out of your mouth bless you. When you speak words that are encouraging, it is worth it. It builds you up. It keeps you motivated. I promise it will help you to speak words that are positive. David in the…

You can achieve it

God is everything. God is great. Nothing you ask of Him is too big or too great. If you believe me send me an email telling me so. Let go of the doubts you have in your mind, so you can achieve the desires of your heart. Eph 3:20…

Living Large

Have you ever heard the expression living large? Did you know that when we spend time recognizing the little moments in life that it can transform our lives? We can live large by appreciating the small things in our life. All around us we…

Repeat This Message

Repeat this message: "I am walking in the best season of my life." Say this. Believe this. Receive this. Pray with me for this to come to pass. Are you with me? Positive messages are more important than you realize. Go to listen…

Performance in Newport Beach

Excited to see you in California this Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 3-6 for the Summer Conference in Newport Beach. I use the daily journal to write down 5 things I am grateful for daily. Have you written down your daily 5 yet? Big…

Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is how we acknowledge that there's enough and that we're enough. - Brene Brown Did you know that gratitude helps you feel more satisfied with life? Did you know gratitude can help you boost your self esteem? As…

Pay Attention

I use the daily journal to write down 5 things I am grateful for daily. Every time you pay attention to the things you are thankful for, it makes it easier to see the blessings you have all around you, especially when you have a hard…

Count Your Many Blessings

Name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done. Is that song stuck in your head yet? 🙂 There is so much truth in the hymn by Johnson Atman, Jr. There is actually scientific evidence behind it too. One study…

Thankful For My Country

Years ago I visited Normandy Beach with my Grandfather. It was for the 60th year anniversary of D-Day. I am so grateful for the freedom I have because of people like my grandfather who fought for me. Words really cannot express the feeling…

Do You Need A Happiness Boost?

300 adults were in counseling, one group was given a challenge to write a gratitude letter, for three weeks. After this experience they compared it to the other groups who hadn't written a letter. Twelve weeks later there was a report of being…

Gratitude Nourishes Your Mind

When we are grateful, we counteract the negative things we are facing. It helps us change our focus, and gives us a new perspective. When we practice being thankful and develop the habit, it helps us realize and acknowledge that what we…

A Habit Worth Your Time

Gratitude shapes us and connects our lives. It's more than just feeling happy. When you see what you already have, and you are thankful for it, you start to see and receive more. When we appreciate what we have, we start to feel even…

Gratitude Begets Gratitude

You probably already know that being thankful makes you more thankful. Your optimism and enthusiasm towards being grateful makes you happier as well. A feeling of thankfulness is something you want to feel over and over again. Once…

Start Your Prayers With Thanksgiving

When we start of our prayers with gratitude, God gives us blessings. 5.6 million was spent on a project of keeping a record of gratitude in a journal at the University Of California. They had amazing results. Less anxiety was one of them. Now…

Gratitude is the law of attraction

Gratitude is the law of attraction in action. When you are grateful, you get more to be grateful about. Have you tried this before? Psalm 100:4 says Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto…

With Thanksgiving

Do you want more abundance? Don't worry or be anxious about anything. When you request something you are hoping for, thank God for that request before you receive it. Philippians 4:6 ..."In every thing by prayer and supplication…

Be Thankful

Do you want more happiness in your life? "Be thankful and say so to Him." Psalm 100:4 Did you know when you express what you're grateful for it brings you more abundance? Look for what you have around you and say a grateful prayer out…

Gratitude Rocks

Do you want better sleep? When you express gratitude over time you will  have it. Lee Brower is an amazing speaker, author and friend. Long ago he gave me a rock. I've kept it for 12 years! Every time you see, or touch the rock it…


Meditation helps! When you take a moment to be silent, breathe, listen and be still you will create a space that will benefit you for life. This little habit will give you direction, it will help you know and understand more clearly…

Relief From Anxiety

Do you ever experience anxiety or fear? Every day we get bad news about things that are happening around the world. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is count on God's word. God's word is hope for you. It is relief. When…

Understanding the power of Silence

Successful people understand the power of silence. Your life is moving toward what you think about. What you think about you bring about. When you take time to be still and think, even if it's just 5 minutes a day, it will open up doors…

Do You Use The Power Of Silence?

Do you use power of silence? When you give yourself quiet time to meditate you are giving yourself valuable intuitive time. When you are relaxed you open your mind to receive answers. It is good for your health to give yourself quiet…

Meditate On God's Word

Every day we get bad news about things that are happening around the world. One thing we can always count on is God's word. Have you ever charged the atmosphere in your home by reading God's word? God's word is the Bible. It is His promise…

Meditation Will Improve Your Intuition

Have you ever thought about someone and then they call you? This is intuition. We have all experienced this before, the point is we can get better at it by practicing, and meditation helps. You can achieve great levels of success. Meditation…

Improve Your Intuition

When you improve your intuition you can: 1. Make more money 2. Solve problems faster 3. Tap into your creativity 4. Improve your discernment 5. Make better decisions Successful people learn how to trust their intuition. Regular…

Trust Your Intuition

Trust your intuition. There's an ancient legend, where everyday people were able to access all the knowledge of the gods. They continued to ignore this wisdom. One day the gods grew tired of giving the gift freely, and nobody used it,…

Refuse To Be Average

Refuse to be average. Average people sleep in every day. Average people watch 6 hours of TV every day. Average people never read a book after High School. Average people do not exercise. Average people do not invest in themselves. People…

Begin With The End In Mind

The second habit of Stephen Covey's famous "7 Habits of Highly Effective  People" is to begin with the end in mind. I admit, I've read this book 3 times and still learn from it. He explains that when you write down your dream obituary…

Do You Have A Reason To Succeed?

Happy Valentine's Day! Do you have a reason to succeed? Do you have something that gets you up every day? Have you discovered what you will loose if you don't follow your heart? If you don't have a vision for your life, over time you will…

What Are Your Dreams?

Are you in a rut? I was speaking to a girl the other day and she talked about how she was in a slump in her life. I asked her if she had any goals or dreams for her life. She said no. We quickly looked at some of the areas of interest…

Secret to Motivation

Until you figure out what it means to live a successful life for YOU, you will continue to struggle staying motivated and inspired to work on your goals. I talk to people all the time who ask me, Do you ever get tired of working on your goals?…

Where There's No Will There's No Way

Where there's no will, there's no way. How do you stay motivated to work day after day towards your goals? This is a great question and people have asked me about this many times. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision the people…

Find Your Tree

Find your tree. What does that mean? It means find your goal. What is your goal? Do you have one? Once you have a goal you need to knock down (the tree) little by little every day. John Maxwell tells us if you swing an axe at a tree 5…

Daily Cheer

Have you ever heard this statement before? The way you do one thing, is the way to do all things? You cannot get to where you want to go very easily without encouragement. You cannot get to where you want to go without a map. That is why I take…

Ready For A Great Year?

Are you ready for a great year? Here are 4 ways you can prepare for the best year in 2023! If you do these, your year will far outweigh anything you've ever experienced before. Why? Because I've witnessed it myself. Do you know what the…

What Are Your Favorite Holiday Traditions?

What are some of your Favorite Holiday Traditions? Here's a list of some of my favorites, do we share some of the same ones? Do you wear matching pjs as a family? Do you open up one gift on Christmas Eve? Do you have an ornament collection?…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! A grateful heart is a doorway to abundance. When you express your gratitude out loud and you are consistently thankful in your life, it opens doors for God do perform miracles. It has been said that struggle ends when…

The Power Of Gratitude

The power of Gratitude! Do you know your mind is like a magnet? You will do whatever your mind is thinking about, because what you think about, you bring about. This works both positively and negatively. If you think about all that is…

Why do Gratitude Journals Work?

Why Do Gratitude Journals work?  When you are grateful it calms you and lightens your load, it blesses you to realize that you are already blessed. Being grateful for the blessings you have will open doors to bring you more to be grateful…

Gratitude Journals are used by Oprah

Gratitude journals are used by Oprah! Oprah urged her fans to use a gratitude journal for 30 days. She said, "Be thankful for what you have and you'll end up having more but if you concentrate on what you don't have you'll never ever have enough." Gratitude can…

Journal Your Appreciation

Journal Your Appreciation! Want to know the top reasons people leave a company? 46% feel unappreciated, 61% feel their bosses don't think they are important, and 88% do not feel acknowledged for the work they do. Appreciation matters! 200…

Gratitude Works

Gratitude works! Being mindful to be grateful works. In Psalm 100:4 it says, "Be thankful and say so to him." When you express how grateful you are out loud, you will receive more. Doors will open for you. Express your gratitude and depression…

Try a Gratitude Journal

Did you know the business world has stumbled upon a success principal called gratitude and they believe it helps you bring wealth into your life? Try expressing gratitude for 30 days. It will change your life. You don't need to spend a…

Gratitude Journals Work

Gratitude journals work! Students at the University of California Berkley were in a study about gratitude. They spent over 5 million dollars on this research. The students were asked to keep a journal for 30 days. They had amazing results.…

Shanah Tovah - Rush Hashanah

What is Rush Hashanah? Now that I have toured Israel with a Jewish guide, I'll tell you a little about this Holiday. This year it is celebrated on September 25. Rush Hashanah is a celebration of the Jewish New Year. The New Year begins…

The Jordan River

A celebrity. A General. A gentile with leprosy came to this river. The River Jordan. He was someone who was an idol worshipper, who did not know God. He was made clean by washing 7 times, in a dirty river. He purified himself after…


Sea of Galilee... Garden of Gethsemane... Swimming in the Dead Sea... Are any of these locations places you've wanted to discover and visit? One of my very favorite places to perform in Israel was getting to sing in St. Anne's…

Tour Israel

Heading on a plane today to take a tour group with me to Israel. Have you ever been to Israel before? We all have different perceptions, and different understandings. When you ask a child what do you think of this? They will tell you,…

Positive Declarations Work

Speaking positive declarations works! Declarations can change your life. Here are 3 ways to give yourself positive messages each day. 1. Make sure your words are positive. Avoid any negative words. I read once that negative words…

Positive Words Make A Difference

Did you know that saying, "I will never loose weight" is just as bad as eating a whole bag of treats? It's true. Positive self talk is so important. Your body listens to you talk. So learn how to speak words that have positive power rather…

What You're Saying Effects You

Are you seeing the results you want? Are you exercising and eating healthy but you are not seeing anything change? The words you speak effect your body. Does what you are saying have something to do with your health? What is going into…

Change Your Words

You cannot live a dream-life if you are constantly and consistently consumed with feelings of inadequacy. Self doubt can really hurt you over time. Do you feel like you are enough? The first thing a councilor will work with you on is…

Declarations for a Positive Day

Repeat after me. I am strong. I am powerful. Do you speak like this to yourself? Did you know your words are commands to your body? Everything you say matters. EVERYTHING you say is important. Your mind and your body are connected…

The Fourth Step

God wants to give you direction for your life. God wants to give you inspired ideas that will bless your life. The last of the 4 steps to hear from God is to pray to him in the spirit. If you are feeling depressed, anxious, confused,…

The Third Step

Thank you for taking the time to write me. I sure appreciate hearing from you about how my emails have been encouraging you in your life. This whole month I've been talking about 4 steps to help you learn how to hear from God. When you write…

The Second Step

Do you want direction for your life? Did you know that the most successful people in the world write their dreams and goals? Did you know that only 3 percent of Americans do this? Only 3 percent write down their dreams and goals on paper. When…

4 Steps To Help You

Do you know what direction you are headed? Do you know how to get to your next step in life? Do you want some help to get there? Are you expecting answers from God but not getting them? I'd like to share 4 steps to help you to receive answers…

Do you wonder if you are hearing from God?

Do you wonder if you are hearing from God? Do you wonder if it's just your own voice talking to you? If you want to get better at hearing God's voice in your life, start writing down what you hear come up in your spirit. Say a prayer, listen…

My Sheep Hear My Voice

Do you believe this scripture in the Bible? "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them." - John 10:27 How do we know God's voice? What does that mean to you? To me, it means I want to be counted as His Sheep and know and recognize his…

How Do You Hear Him?

Do you pray every day? I hope so. Do you ask God questions? I hope so. Do you know how to hear from Him? Do you go to God in prayer expecting an answer each day? Do you have your pen and paper ready after prayer? Do you take time…

Hear Him

There are so many things God has for you. He wants to speak to you. He wants you to hear Him. One of the best ways I know how to hear God in my life, is during my journaling time each day. In Jeremiah 30:2 God tells us to write…

Do You Journal?

How would you like hear creative ideas that produce hundreds of thousands of dollars? How would you like to know the next step that God has for your life? How would you like better clarity in your purpose? All of these things (and…

Successful Habit Number 4

I've heard Jim Rohn say, "You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you." Are you still with me on learning the 4 successful habits? Let's wrap up shall we? Here are the 4 Habits successful people do.  It's easy. 1.…

Abide With Me

Listening to spiritual music, and hymns is one of my favorite ways to invite the Spirit into my home. Sacred music expresses our love for God. It helps us create a heavenly atmosphere. It helps us to feel at peace. Listen to uplifting music…

Successful Habit Number 3

Let's continue to talk about and explain the 4 successful habits. Habit number 1 is to plan your day the night before. Habit number 2 is to write down a list of your goals and dreams. Habit number 3? Speak positive words of affirmations…

Ave Maria

Have you seen the video Ave Maria? It is from the Sweet By And By album. It is the first video I ever put out on YouTube. When I was in Israel, I visited the St. Anne's Church and I was asked to spontaneously sing the song Ave Maria while…

Successful Habit Number 2

Do you have dreams in your heart? God put those dreams there for a reason. It's just that simple. He trusts that you can achieve those dreams, or they wouldn't be there. I'm going to continue to explain the 4 successful habits. Habit…

Successful Habit Number 1

Do you have something in your heart you know you've got to do? Do you believe you were sent here to make it happen? If not you, who? You can achieve the dreams of your heart and I'm going to explain 4 successful habits of successful…

Do You Take Action?

There are 3 conditions we have been talking about that you need to have in order to change anything in your life. The first one is desire. The second is will. The third is EFFORT. I've heard it said, there is only one thing that…

Where There's A Will

There is a way. Last week we talked about the 3 conditions that you need to have in order to change. The first one is desire. Do you like the way things are right now, or are there things you DESIRE to be different? Without desire,…

Make A Decision Today

Get your vision clear so the results will appear. "Your decisions determine your destiny." -T. D. Jakes. Who is it you are deciding to become? Do you ever think about this? There are 3 conditions that you need to have in order to…

Do You Know Your Calling?

What is it that you want to do, must do, or have to do before you die? If your dreams are not going away. It is a calling. God put it in your heart to do it. Get your vision clear so the results will appear. Use positive words to…

Are You Prepared?

Whatever goals you have for this year - are you prepared for them to come to pass? You are using your faith when you prepare for something that hasn't even happened yet. Did you know your faith is important to God? When you get a…

Words Matter

Can your dreams still live? Even when you haven't seen them come to pass yet? What do the words coming out of your mouth say? Are they positive or negative? Your words matter more than what anyone else ever says. What you put out from…

Ezekiel 37

Do you know the song, "Dry bones, dry bones?" ...The thigh bone connected to your, back bone, the back bone connected to the shoulder bone... etc etc? Do you remember the song yet? Well this song came about because of the story in Ezekiel…

Follow 3 Steps To Achieve Your Dreams

Your desire will be elevated to go after your dreams when you follow 3 steps. 1. Pray and listen - what does God want you to accomplish this year? What is He speaking to your heart about? Write them down. 2. Make a list of those ideas…

Visualize Your Dreams

Do you want to go to the next level in your life this year? You've got to see it. What does it look like to you? Where do you see your life headed? When you see it clear your vision will apear. Your dreams will begin to take shape. Write…

You can do it!

30% of people who set goals for the New Year quit after the first week. Is that you? Don't be a quitter. You were given a desire in your heart to improve in an area in your life for a reason. Don't give up! Keep going. Start again if…

Get a plan to achieve your goals this year

Do you have dreams and goals you gave up on? Things happen sometimes that we don't count on. Don't let it derail you. Get a plan to achieve your goals this year. Did you know only 8% of people who have set a New Years resolution this…

What's the secret to achieving goals faster?

What goals are you hoping to achieve this year? Do you have any of them written down? Writing your goals down on paper is one of the first steps to getting them achieved. Would you like to know the secret to achieving goals faster? Writing…

Enjoy the season filled with music of the Savior

Enjoy the season filled with music of our Savior Jesus Christ. You can listen for free on Spotify, or the website, or by watching wholesome videos on my YouTube channel. Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Coventry Carol

Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy the new video Coventry Carol. It's my little Christmas gift to you. You will find more Christmas music on my website here. Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Use your words to change your thoughts

Did you know there are about 12,000 - 60,000 thoughts running through your head per day? Did you know that 80% of the thoughts are negative and most of them are repetitive? Your thoughts matter. Learn how to change them by focusing on positive…

God Cares About You

God cares about your mental health. He wants you to feel joy. He cares deeply about you. When you practice gratitude. You are giving God the glory. You are acknowledging God is providing for you. Practicing gratitude takes just a few minutes…

Free Gift With Purchase

Merry Christmas! Right now I'm offering my album Scatter Sunshine for FREE when you purchase my gratitude journal. Check out my daily journal and get started improving your life today. Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Finding it hard to be grateful?

Finding it hard to be grateful? It's easy to miss a lot of the things we can be grateful about, especially when we get busy, or when we are feeling overwhelmed. This is why creating and setting a time each day to count our blessings…

How to cultivate happiness

Do you feel drained of all the creativity you need to achieve the results you're wanting to see in your life? All the negativity around us can really bombard our mindset and exhaust our energy. I'd like to share the best way I know how…

What Brings You More Joy?

Last week I talked to you about what can bring you more happiness. The secret is... gratitude. We all need more of joy right now, because everywhere you look it seems it's all doom and gloom. When we are drained from negativity…

Why We Need More Happiness In Life

When you're feeling overwhelmed with the way life is going it's sometimes hard to see the joy and happiness in your life. One of the best ways to find happiness and joy is by being grateful. Practicing gratitude helps us so much and it's…

This Can Change Your Life...

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle It's easy to be overwhelmed. If you're ready to make changes, little by little you will get what you want achieved. Did you know in America we…

One Thing At A Time

"Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time." - Jim Rohn Little things are what matter. When you are overwhelmed, start with just one thing. ONE. Just one. Start by setting a short…

How To Stop Procrastination

Did you know there is a 3 letter word that helps you stop procrastination? Want to know the 3 letter word? NOW. That's the word. Did you know your time matters and the small things you do every day add up? It's in the little…

Don't Let Someone's Opinion of You Stop You

Did you know when Elvis Presley sang at the Grand Ole Opry the manager fired him? After just one performance he was told, "you ain't goin' nowhere, son." Don't let someone's opinion of you get in your way. You can do this! Want to know…

Need Help Sorting Your Thoughts?

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." -Gandhi Did you know journaling helps…

What Direction Are You Moving?

"The important thing is not where we STAND, but in what direction we MOVE." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Do you know that scientific studies show that your mood can be effected by surroundings? Once you get your life, and home in order…

Simply Begin

Just the other day when I was starting to feel overloaded I came across this message, "The best way to get things done is to simply begin." It helped me so much. START. It's just that simple. Don't sit around and wait around…

Are Your Words Limiting You?

You can memorize the lyrics of a song. So why not memorize a new way of speaking? The lines you release out of your mouth need to be what you want to see happen. Use the word CHOOSE instead of the word CAN'T. Speak, "I choose". Because…

You Have A Dream For A Reason

If you have a dream is in your heart it’s there for a reason. When we are given a desire and dream and it doesn’t go away, it is because someone needs you to achieve it. When you have a dream in your heart, it was put there by God. He…

How Did We Meet Each Other?

How did we meet? Did I meet you at BYU Education Week? I'd love to meet you in person someday. If you're here let me know. If you want to achieve your dreams, Education Week is a great place to learn new insights. You can check out my  “My…

Expressing Gratitude

How a billionaire made it so big?  Well, she started by expressing her gratitude daily. You can start expecting positive things in your life when you start giving gratitude for what you have now.  Your life will start to improve…

Your Words Are Powerful

What are you saying about your future? What are you saying about your dreams? Your goals?  Even when you say it as a joke, or say something sarcastic it can harm you.  As crazy as it sounds John Lennon spoke about how he might…

Pick A Little Talk A Little

Do you think it’s okay for a few negative words to slip through every now and then? Remember the song? "Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, cheep cheep cheep"... The women sound like hens! Do…

Speak Faith!

When you declare what you believe it will happen.    This is faith.   If you are not going to speak FAITH do not speak it at all.    Did you know the average person speaks 16 thousand words per day.…

Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life

It’s not enough to quit saying negative words, you need to learn to speak new positive words out of your mouth too.  When you stop growing yourself, you start dying.  We all want to grow ourselves. Personal growth is why we’re…

Faith Comes By Hearing

Do you want your faith to grow?  Listen to God’s word.  Listen to positive messages, and inspiring  music.  "Faith comes by hearing.” This is Romans 10:17.  Every time you listen to good messages,…

What Are You Hearing Everyday?

Have you ever deliberately checked your input?  What is your mind hearing and seeing every day?  What you allow into your mind is what you will eventually see show up in your life.  Make a choice today that…

Change Negative Thoughts

Do you have negative thoughts?  One of the best ways I have found to help break the habit of negative thoughts, is to use “My Daily Journal”. This isn’t just a regular journal, it’s a book set up to help you to shift your focus…

Change Your Thoughts

When you change your thoughts, you change your whole life. One of the best exercises you can do is journaling. Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions…

How To Focus On Your Dreams

Do you need better focus? Do you struggle to get your goals accomplished and don’t know where to start sometimes? My most recent project has been creating a daily journal. I made one for myself first and used it for several years before…

Something To Help You

Are you tired of things not working out for you?  Are you worried life will never get any better?  Do you want to know a secret that will help you?   It’s really simple.  Giving THANKS. When you begin to…

Perform With Excellence

Dreams come true when you perform with excellence day after day. Success is built upon something you do incredibly well. ALL the time, not just sometimes. The gifts God gave you are your natural skills. If you enjoy doing what you do, and…

You Gotta Have Faith Faith Faith

Did you know that praising God and thanking him in advance for what He's going to do is the highest form of using your faith?  You gotta have faith, faith, FAITH! When you look at the dreams you have in your heart and you…

What are your dreams?

Do you have dreams and desires you want to accomplish? What's holding you back from achieving them? Maybe you are facing a tough time, and you feel like quitting or giving up? The devil wants to kill steal and destroy us. Don't let him. You…

1 Simple Tip To Help You This Week

1 simple tip to help you this week. Did you know Americans spend 5 hours a day watching TV? They are watching other people live out their dreams. Instead of watching TV, you could use just 30 minutes of that time to invest in yourself. God…

5 Tips For A Successful Morning

Does your current routine support your goals? Do you feel like you’re running around all day  from one thing to the next, but never really getting anything accomplished?  Walking up last minute? Watching hours of TV late…

A Secret To Success

Do you dream about feeling more organized, and productive, throughout your day?  But, instead you’re that person who is always rushed, running late or forgetting something important? Or you’re that busy professional, who…

Your Daily Pep Talk

Do you feel like things are taking too long in your life? Did you know only 10% of first time business owners succeed? But second time business owners succeed 90%? The sad part? Only 80% of the people who failed the first time try…

Your Words Have Power

The only power the devil has over you is through your thoughts. It’s up to you to decide if you listen to them, and believe them. Don’t let bad thoughts take root in you by believing lies. In Genesis 3:15 we learn that he can bruise…

Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us

Happy Easter to you.  I hope this new video "Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us" brings you peace and comfort during this beautiful season. If you would like to purchase the song you can visit the store here.

Reap What You Sow

What you say takes root. Your words are life, and what you say makes a big difference in your success. Your mouth speaks life or death with your tongue. Make sure what you are saying is what you want to be seeing.  Every time we speak,…

That's The Way (I Like It)

You know the song, “That’s the way (I like it)? It’s written by KC and the Sunshine band? Well now that you have that tune in your head, I want you to think about what it means when you use your words wisely. When you speak words like,  “I…

How To Cope With Stress

Fact: Stress is happening daily in our life. The American Psychological Association says that 75% of Americans say that their job is a large portion of their stress. 41% say they feel tense or stressed while they are working throughout their…

Your Words Matter

Your words matter.  Every one of the negative words you say can be changed to a positive word instead. Your mouth has power. What you speak out of your mouth is very important. There is power in your tongue. Journaling your thoughts…

Have You Faced A Storm Lately?

Have you faced a storm lately? Remember as you face the storms in your life, you are not alone. God knows what you are going through. You can rise above anything that comes your way. The storms that come your way are actually carrying you…

How do you overcome a setback?

How do you overcome a setback? Have you been pursuing your dreams and encountered a challenge along the way? How do you overcome a setback?  Did you know you can use your setbacks to push yourself forward? Let me explain. Eagles…

If you're about to give this!

If you’re about to give up… read this.   Have you ever thought about giving up before? Have you gone through something that seems to be taking forever, or it didn’t happen the way you expected things would go, or that God isn’t…

The Forever Album

The Forever Album is finally available for you to listen for FREE on Spotify.

Vague Goals Produce Vague Results

How many times have you written goals that were vague and they went into a drawer never to be looked at again? Have you ever come across a list of goals you wrote down only to discover later that none of them were ever really accomplished?  That…

10 Steps To Achieve Your Goals

It’s a new year!  Isn’t it a special time knowing we have a brand new year to set out and accomplish our goals and dreams? I’m the first to admit, no matter where I am in life there is always room to get better. To…

What's your New Year's Resolution?

Happy January!  This is a wonderful season! You have a NEW YEAR to look forward to and an old one to celebrate. This is the time when almost everyone sets goals.  Do you set new years resolutions? Do you…

What's your favorite Christmas Carol?

What is your favorite Christmas Carol? It is so hard to chose ONE favorite. Click to watch the music video “Oh Holy Night”  This has got to be my all time favorite Christmas Carol to sing. I’ve always loved it. The…

6 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

  Here are 6 simple ways to reduce holiday stress right now! It’s CHRISTMAS week! Can you believe it? It’s already almost here. Christmas time is such a fun time, but it can also be a very stressful time. There are pressures…

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

Are you rockin' around the Christmas tree with music during this month of December?  Who has their hand raised up high? I do!!  Honestly though, it’s just a short 30 days of listening to Christmas music…

How do you get in the Christmas Spirit?

Some days it seems as if everything we do goes wrong. No matter how hard we try to prepare ahead of time we are interrupted with troubles.  It is a learning process to keep the devil from stealing away your peace. Don’t let him win!…

A Christmas Video For You!

It’s a new day! And it’s almost DECEMBER!!!!!!!! Here is a video for you “In The Bleak Midwinter” I hope you enjoy it! “But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout (and SING) for joy, because…

For The Beauty Of The Earth

Happy Thanksgiving! Do you want great things to be attracted to you? I sure do! Here's a new video for you. I love the hymn, “For The Beauty Of The Earth”. It is an entire hymn of gratefulness.  Plato said, “A grateful…

A Gratitude Experiment

Do you believe your thankfulness matters? I want to show you that within just 30 days of having gratitude you will see miracles from God. You will be astonished to see what God does for you when you tell him two simple words! “Thank you!” 1…

The Thankful Practice

Do you ever wonder why things keep taking so long or why something didn’t go as you had hoped it would? Or do you sometimes wonder if God is hearing your prayer? I want you to know, whatever you’re going through is not unknown to…

Do Hymns Help You In Your Prayer Time?

Do hymns help you in your prayer time? All I know is I recently read this, “Hi dear friend. Your Sunday Songs are delightful. Love them. And you Vanessa.” - Connie O. David Schwartz said in the book, “The magic of Thinking Big”…

A Life Worth Living Is A Life Worth Recording

Hi again! I hope you’ve been enjoying the hymns and using them in your prayer time. I hope it is bringing you success. Why do successful people spend alone time with God? All I know is… Dan Cathy, the Chick-fil-A CEO spends half…

Jesus Sang The Hymns

It has been wonderful to hear how you are using the hymns in your life. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. You can start listening daily in your prayer time by going here to listen for free. (I'd love it if you sing…

Seek First The Kingdom Of God

When you put God first you will be blessed. “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 Do you listen to the free hymns and use them in your prayer time? Have you…

With God All Things Are Possible

Did you know listening and using hymns in your prayer time can help you have success in your life? Have you listened regularly to the hymns you downloaded for free here?  All I know is... Gigi Butler of Gigi’s Cupcakes…

"My Daily Journal"

Hi there! Thank you so much for all the feedback about the music videos I have been sending out. I truly appreciate all of you for taking the time to watch them and  taking the extra step to write me about your…
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Abide With Me

Happy Sunday! Click here to watch "Abide With Me" music video. This Christian hymn is most often sung to the tune "Eventide". It was written by Henry Francis Lyte. It is believed that this hymn was started by Lyte while…

Softly And Tenderly

Hello! Here is another music video for you. Click here to watch "Softly And Tenderly". This is a hymn from the Sweet By And By album. It was written in 1880. The special story about this song is that it was created by two friends.…

A New Video Sweet By And By

Hi there! Click here for the new music video "Sweet By and By". I love this hymn so much I decided to use it as the title of my very first album. The first time I ever heard this song I loved it. The person I heard singing it was Dolly…

My Life Flows On

Click here for the new music video "My Life Flows On". The video is a hymn from my most recent album, "Scatter Sunshine". This album has 13 hymns on it, and it is also on Spotify. You can listen to it anytime for FREE by going…

Scatter Sunshine Album

Hello my friends! Did you know my album "Scatter Sunshine" is now on Spotify? You can listen to it anytime for FREE by going right here. It has already blessed the lives of so many people. Here are just a few testimonials. I'd love…

Get your FREE album today!

Just wanted to make sure you saw my FREE album? 🙂 Right now, my entire album "Sweet By and By" is available for you download for free right here.  It is my gift to you. It is 14 hymns of praise about our Savior Jesus…

Thank You Gift!

Thank you! I am offering you a FREE gift because I am so thankful to you. Right now I am offering my entire album "Sweet By and By" to you for FREE. This album cost me a TON of money to produce! (A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into…

Exclusive Music Video

Happy Sunday to you! Thank you so much for following me on Spotify. If you didn't get a chance to see the Exclusive Music Video click here to sign up today and you'll not only get to see the new music video (a song…

Do you have Spotify?

Hello! Do you have a spotify account? With Spotify you can listen to music for free! It’s amazing! My music is currently being added to Spotify and my first album “Sweet By and By” will be launched this Friday, July 10th.…

Come Thou Fount

Hello! Click here to watch the new music video, "Come Thou Fount".  Did you get a chance to watch the devotional last week?  If you didn't see the devotional yet, please click here to watch it. It…

Rock Of Ages

Hello Friends! Click here for my latest music video, "Rock Of Ages" Ready to learn the best kept secret benefit of singing? First, let's talk about this pandemic. It seems never-ending doesn't it? I live…

Blessed Assurance

Hoping this brings you some peace in our troubled world. Please click here to watch "Blessed Assurance" Please share this with anyone you think would benefit from this comforting message. Much love to you, Vanessa Joy

Lead Kindly Light

Happy Sunday! Click here for my latest music video, "Lead Kindly Light".  Remember in the last newsletter I told you singing gives you benefits? I'd love to share one of those benefits with…

Scatter Sunshine

Happy Mother's Day! Click here to watch the new music video "Scatter Sunshine". What do moms do best? They scatter sunshine of course! I love my mom and this video is a gift to her. During this time of uncertainty all over the world, one…

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

Hello my friend! As you click here to watch this new music video, "His Eye is on the Sparrow" it is my hope and prayer that it brings you comfort and peace. During this time of uncertainty in the world, one thing remains certain…

The Lord Is My Light

Happy Easter! The Lord is my Light. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Your friendship and love cheer me on! You have the ability to turn this time around and use it for your benefit. The Lord reminds us that He is our…
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Mountain Spring by Vanessa Joy

"Mountain Spring" Is deep relaxation music with vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Forever" It is a collection of instrumental vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul. It is used for relaxation, soothing meditation…
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Meridian Of Time by Vanessa Joy

"Meridian Of Time" is a song by Vanessa Joy on her "Forever" album. It is a collection of improvised instrumental music with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy. The vocals that were created for this album are put together to sooth your mind…
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Introspection by Vanessa Joy

"Introspection" Is meditation music improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind body and soul.…
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Sunrise by Vanessa Joy

"Sunrise" Is meditation music improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul. "Sunrise"…
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Autumn by Vanessa Joy

"Autumn" Is deep relaxation music improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul.…
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Floating by Vanessa Joy

"Floating" Is a song of deep relaxation improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth you. "Floating" is a…
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Mystical Rain by Vanessa Joy

"Mystical Rain" Is a song of instrumental deep relaxation music with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Forever" The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body,…
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Atlantic Ocean by Vanessa Joy

"Atlantic Ocean" Is deep relaxation music with vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Forever" It is a collection of instrumental vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul. It is used for relaxation, soothing meditation music…

His Eye Is On The Sparrow by Vanessa Joy

"His Eye Is On The Sparrow" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can buy "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" here by purchasing the album here.…

Sweet By And By by Vanessa Joy

"Sweet By and By" by Vanessa Joy is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can listen to the song "Sweet By and By" here or you can purchase the song here or…

Savior Like A Shepherd by Vanessa Joy

"Savior Like a Shepherd" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can buy "Savior Like A Shepherd" by  purchasing the album here. Or you can…

In The Garden by Vanessa Joy

"In The Garden"  by Vanessa Joy is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can listen to the song "In The Garden" for free here or purchase…

Abide With Me by Vanessa Joy

"Abide With Me" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs on the album. You can listen to the song "Abide With Me" for free here, or purchase the album here. Or you can listen…

Tabernacle on Temple Square Concert

Have you seen a concert in the Tabernacle on Temple Square? The New Years Eve performance on Temple Square was a great event. There were several performing groups including big bands as well. It was very special to be able to be part of the…

Just As I Am by Vanessa Joy

"Just As I Am" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs on the album. You can listen to the song "Just As I Am" for free here, or purchase the album here. Or you can listen to…

Be Thou My Vision by Vanessa Joy

"Be Thou My Vision"  is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs on the album. You can listen to the song "Be Thou My Vision" for free here, or purchase…

I Surrender All by Vanessa Joy

"I Surrender All" by Vanessa Joy is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs on the album, this being number 7. You can listen to the song "I Surrender All" for…

It Is Well With My Soul by Vanessa Joy

"It is well with my soul" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs on the album. You can listen to the song "It Is Well With My Soul" for free here, or purchase the album…

O Holy Night by Vanessa Joy

"Oh Holy Night" by Vanessa Joy is the last song found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here or…

O Come Emmanuel by Vanessa Joy

"O Come Emmanuel" By Vanessa Joy is a hymn found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube.  "O…

Silent Night by Vanessa Joy

"Silent Night" by Vanessa Joy is found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube. "Silent…

With Wondering Awe by Vanessa Joy

The song “With Wondering Awe” is found on the Christmas CD entitled “Joy To The World” and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy’s store or here on youtube. "With Wondering Awe" is a song that…

Winter's Snow by Vanessa Joy

"Winter's Snow" by Vanessa Joy can be found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube. "Winter's…

What Child Is This by Vanessa Joy

"What Child Is This" by Vanessa Joy is found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube.…

Away In A Manger by Vanessa Joy

"Away In A Manger" by Vanessa Joy is the 9th song found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here…

Child In A Manger by Vanessa Joy

"Child In A Manger" by Vanessa Joy is written by Mary MacDonald and translated into English by Lachlan Macbean in 1888. It is a traditional Gaelic melody called Bunessan. It is a delicate melody that is perfect for Christmas celebrations. The…

Watchman Tell Us Of The Night by Vanessa Joy

"Watchman Tell Us Of The Night" by Vanessa Joy is on the album "Joy To the World" and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube. It was written by a Unitarian poet…

Coventry Carol by Vanessa Joy

"Coventry Carol" by Vanessa Joy dates back to the 16th Century. It is an English Christmas Carol who's author is unknown. "Coventry Carol" is on the album "Joy To the World" and can be found here or you can listen to it here…

In The Bleak Midwinter by Vanessa Joy

"In The Bleak Midwinter" by Vanessa Joy is an English carol written by the poet Christina Rossetti. It was set to music in 1906 and we have sung it throughout the world ever since. It is an endearing Christmas lullaby. "In the Bleak Midwinter"…

Noel Noel by Vanessa Joy

"Noel Noel" by Vanessa Joy is a Christmas song written by Vanessa Joy and is on her album "Joy To the World" and can be found in her store here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube. As you listen…

On This Day by Vanessa Joy

  "On This Day" by Vanessa Joy is a Christmas song from her album "Joy To the World" and can be found in her store here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store or here on youtube. "On This Day" is a little…

Listen to God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen By Vanessa Joy

  The song "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" is the second song found on the Classical Crossover Christmas CD entitled "Joy To The World" by Vanessa Joy and can be found here or you can listen to it here in Vanessa Joy's store…

Listen to Joy To The World by Vanessa Joy

Joy to the world written by Isaac Watts is a hymn based on scripture found in Psalms in the Holy Bible. The lyrics celebrate Christ's birth but wasn't intended to be a Christmas song originally. The song was first published in 1719. Today is…

You will grow your relationships if you listen

Your relationships will grow if you learn how to listen. I pass a big beautiful flowering shrub every day. We call it the butterfly bush. The butterflies don't make a sound, but I listen and watch them anyway. I've seen up to 20 butterflies…

Music will change your mood

How many times in a day do you wish you could change your mood? Seriously? Do you know how many different moods you find yourself in on any given day? My great uncle died. I cried when I found out. My niece won a soccer tournament and I cheered.…

Do you know how to reach your goals?

Do you have goals? Do you know how to reach your goals? Do you have something in your life that you would like to accomplish, but life happens and you don't seem to have the time it takes to get it done? Book your priorities into your calendar…

Do you want to reach your goals? Fight Procrastination!

Do you want to reach your goals? It's fight procrastination day! There is no way procrastination can happen if you want something. It takes courage, sacrifice, dedication, focus, energy and persistence. You can't give up if you want to reach…

Are you resting from your labors on Labor Day?

Are you resting from your labors? Happy Labor Day!!! I'm on a cruise right now enjoying Alaska! I hope you're taking a vacation day too and doing nothing but fun things today. You deserve a day off! I hope you have a great day. You know nothing…

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone?

Have you written a letter lately? When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone? A physical hand written letter? Not just texting or emailing? Today is letter writing day! Do you love to receive a letter in the mail like I do? It is such…

Tip of the Day is to Pray - did you pray today?

My tip of the day is to pray! Did you pray today? Getting ready to go on a cruise to Alaska, have you ever been there? It's a bit of chaos to be unpacking and repacking for another trip. Some ask me "how do you do it all"?  "You've got…

Sweet By and By Is Inspirational Music

Need some inspiration? I sure do every day! Did you know "Sweet By and By" is an inspirational music tool you can use to bring a beautiful spirit into your life? You will experience peace and comfort when listening to hymns. It is especially…

World Ocean Day

Happy "World Ocean Day" Have you seen the ocean? Have you been on a cruise? Do you have plans to travel someday? Is it one of your dreams? I was 15 when I got to see the sea for the first time. Your dreams are so important. What you say to…

Book it!

Have you ever said, "I'm Booked at that time"? It's a nice phrase isn't it? Did you know you could use it all the time? Go book yourself a lunch with a friend and use it. It will make you feel great and the other people you're talking to feel…

Thank you!

Hello! Did you know today is "Say something nice day" You need to know how much you are appreciated for being here. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for checking in with me from time to time and saying hello. You are very special to…

Time To Blossom

I'm super excited to be participating with Time To Blossom Young Women's Conference this year. If you know a teen between the ages of 11-16 this is such an amazing week for girls! 

Pristeen Magazine

Check out Pristeen Magazine for young women. It's incredible! I love it! And I'm writing for it. Here is an look at the Feb/March issue. You can check out the article I wrote here too. I sing all over the world and I love it. I love traveling,…

What's your thing - by Sara Lyn Baril

WHAT’S YOUR THING? Everyone I know can do something - skills, talents, and gifts being used in so many ways, and all of it for good. I think it’s wonderful how often gifts compliment each other and work together to accomplish great things.…

I Can Still Believe - by Lori Ann Stewart

  I think one of my best songs is entitled I Can Still Believe. You can listen on soundcloud here.  I wrote this song because of the darkness that exists in the world today and also the evil. I am saddened by the many people…

Daughter Of God - by Jeanni Gould

About the song “Daughter of God” My music is for everyone (that means you 😉 but I have also written 3 idea books and dozens of songs especially for our amazing Young Women, published by Deseret Book. One song that is now a standard is…

Why I sing - by Michele Baer

WHY I SING. There are many things I know to be true and one of them is that each of us have been blessed with gifts from the giver of all good gifts, God our Father. The sooner we acknowledge them and where they come from, the greater impact…

Meet Arthur Minasyan

Years ago Arthur attended my classes at BYU Education week. I found out he is a talented musician and I want to introduce you to him. He has grand visions and goals for the future with his music. Find his music here and let it inspire you. We…

O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus is written by S. Trevor Francis and Thomas J. Williams has been recorded on the Sweet By and By album. You can listen to a sample of the song here or here. Below are the lyrics. O the deep, deep…

Ave Maria

Vanessa Joy got to sing Ave Maria in Israel in St. Anne's Church and you can see part of the performance at this link here Or you can listen to it on youtube here. This song also was recorded on the Sweet By and By Album…

Meet Michele Baer - Inspirational Singer and Speaker

Michele is amazing! I met her several years ago at her concert when I first moved to Arizona while I was attending a music seminar about the music business. I love her rich singing voice and it has been a pleasure to speak with her and get to…

How Can I Keep From Singing

My Life Flows On is written by Robert Lowry. This song can be found on the album "Sweet By and By". You can listen to a sample of it here or here.  Lyrics are below. My life flows on in endless song, above earth's lamentation. I hear…

Meet Sara Lyn Baril - composer

I got to meet Sara here in Phoenix, AZ a few months ago. She's full of talent and such a fun girl. We spoke for hours about music and it was so great getting to know her. I'm excited to share her music with you, she will be contributing regularly…

Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance is written by Frances J. Crosby and is recorded by Vanessa Joy. You can find it in her store on the Sweet By and By Album. You can listen to it here or here on youtube. Below are the lyrics. Blessed assurance,…

Meet Lori Ann Stewart - singer songwriter

I met Lori Ann Stewart a few years ago while I was singing and speaking at a singles conference in Las Vegas. She approached me about music and we became friends. She and I have stayed in touch though out the years and I wanted you to be introduced…

Softly and Tenderly

Softly and Tenderly written by Will L. Thompson is a beautiful hymn that was recorded on the Sweet By and By album by Vanessa Joy. You can listen to the song for free in her store here or listen here on youtube. Below are…

Sweet By And By

The first album Vanessa Joy recorded is titled "Sweet By and By" and can be found in her store. You can listen to the hymn here or here on youtube. The lyrics are below. There’s a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we…

My music video

You wouldn't believe the anxiety and stress I've had over releasing one little music video. There are so many details to get done and I wanted to get them all done right. Everyone I worked with was amazing and I'm so thankful to everyone who…

Meet Jeanni Gould - Composer

I met JEANNI GOULD a few months ago here in Arizona. She was releasing her latest CD, "God Sends Angels" and I happened to be in town to attend the concert. It was a lovely evening concert outdoors and I was able to meet several artists she…

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

His Eye is on the Sparrow - by Cilvilla D. Martin is a song recorded on the Sweet By and By album by Vanessa Joy. You can listen to it in her store here or here on youtube. The lyrics are below. Why should I feel discouraged,…

She Traveled

A lot of people have asked me about my wardrobe and want to know where I get my dresses.  I wish I could tell them I shop at only one store but just like everyone else I shop around at different stores to accumulate my outfits. Believe…

Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams. Who came up with that statement? Do you have any dreams? How can you follow them if you don't know what they are? I have a statement on my wall near my computer that says, "A Person without a dream, never had a dream…

My Time To Blossom

Check out "My Time To Blossom". It's a wonderful organization for young women. They post inspiring and uplifting messages every day on their blog. It's a fantastic group! Recently I did a guest post on their blog and I offered some of my Christmas…

She Traveled

I've recently discovered this charming women's clothing shop online called I hope you check it out, tell your friends about it, and let me know what you discover. Right now through February you can receive $5.00 off your…

Meet Camille from Chickenscratchnsniff

I just recently met a really sweet girl who is dedicated to strengthening individuals and bringing good things to people. She owns the website and I find her very inspiring. I hope you'll check her website out. Camille…

Utah Valley Moms

Recently I met Kim, who is the owner of she is an incredible woman doing so much good for people in Utah. I just love the things she is sharing with moms.  Utah Valley Moms is a blog for all of those who take…

New Website

Yay! Once again we got a facelift here on the website. We hope you enjoy the new look.  We hope you'll come back often for info about where Vanessa will be performing and you'll find out what she doing backstage too.  

Jeanni Gould - New CD

  New CD Party & Performance for Jeanni Gould Date: Friday, 23 October 2015 Time: 7:00-9:00pm (Concert 7:30pm) Place: Gould Home, 2102 East Taxidea Way, Phoenix AZ 85048 Thought this looks like a lot of fun if you're in AZ…

Do you have an earworm?

YUCK! Doesn't that sound awful? Well it kinda is... if you have ever had a song stuck in your head that won't go away you have experienced an earworm. It's a funny name for the phenomenon but it actually seems to make sense. There are so many…

Oh What A Beautiful Morning

"Oh what a beautiful morning... Oh what a beautiful day… I've got a wonderful feeling, everything's going my way." (Yes that is the song in my head right now from the musical Oklahoma.) I decided to hike white mountain. Or or should I say…

Live Your Life With Music

"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn." - Charlie Parker Charlie Parker was a master saxophonist and composer. It's delightful to hear him play some of the classics like,…

Find JOY in the moment

Live in the moment. Did you know this helps with any anxiety, stress, depression, and worry? Living in the moment cures yourself of any of these problems. You see, living in the moment - in this very moment - is kinda hard to do. We all think…

When is your next visit to the Holy Land?

Come with me to Israel. Experience the Holy Land with Cruiselady tours. It will be an adventure of fun to discover this beautiful place with musical performances all over the region. We'll visit places like, Jericho, Jordan River, Ein Karem,…

Celebrate good times… Come on!

Celebrate good times! This is a time to celebrate. If you've had a good day, give yourself a pat on the back. If you've had a good week make a dinner reservation. If you've had a good month it's time to start dancing! Start looking at what you…

Mary Mary… How does your garden grow?

Really? People ask, "How do I do it all?" My answer - I don't do "it all" at once. Come on everyone superwoman doesn't exist. Or does she? I think you already know the answer. I hate to disappoint you but the secret is one little step at a time,…

The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

I love watching the sun rise in the morning it is powerful to witness the majesty it brings to the entire earth. I love taking time out for myself to sit  by myself and reflect on who I am and what I want to become. Morning is a great…

Good Mornin… Good Mornin…

Good Morning. Are you awake? Do you wake up early? I do. It's 5AM. Nothing is open. At least not much, I understand why most people want to sleep. There's no incentive to wake up early right? Many of us have jobs we do from home, and nowhere…

July 4, 2014

I love my country... I love being free... I want to live in harmony... I hope our land will continue to stand for freedom and liberty This is my hope This is my prayer This is the beginning of a song I'll share. I'm…

Want to promote your good music?

We're starting a new blog series of a variety of different artists who are passionate about good music and want to promote themselves. If you are an artist (or know of an artist) who creates uplifting music  who wants to participate, send…


I'm so excited to present my updated website to you. What do you think about it? You can get to my website faster now (yes I know you're all checking it out every day, and you can't wait to get here) by going to (or don't worry,…


This morning my garage door was broken. BLAST! Can you believe I had to get out of my car to open the garage manually so I could drive my car? "Inconvenient!" I though to myself "I like opening my door with a button". I got out of my car to…

Once There Was a Snowman

Once there was a snowman Snowman SNOWman Once there was a snowman Tall Tall TALL In the sun he melted Melted Melted In the sun he melted Small small SMALL Written by Moisella Renstrom (this is a cute little song you can do with children…

Ding Dong Merrily on High

I got to do something very out of the ordinary this year. I got to hand deliver 3 CDs to a woman just down the street from where I was staying. (okay read on, that doesn't sound too out of the ordinary) This woman was a customer who ordered…

Noel Noel

Did you know I wrote a song for Christmas on my new Album? It's called, "Noel Noel". It can be found here.  The lyrics: Sing we now of Christmas Noel sing afar Hear our praises sing we Underneath the star Noel Noel…

Great Joy!

Seeing my name everywhere is so fun this time of year. Just had to share that a really sweet friend gave me a beautiful scarf and yummy homemade chocolates ... I ate the last one today they were SO good! Good friends and good people doing nice…

Celebrating Hanukkah!

Eight Days and nights Come see the lights We will remember on Hanukkah  In days of old Stories are told We will remember on Hanukkah  What a beautiful celebration of light. A miracle of eight nights. Oil burned beyond…

Lamb of God

I am performing in the sacred work Lamb of God by Rob Gardner this weekend. PERFORMANCE DATES: 7:00 pm, Friday, November 8th 2013 7:00 pm, Saturday, November 9 2013 LOCATION: 22034 North 83rd Avenue Peoria,…

Bluegrass Festival

This is the best time of year in Arizona when things start to cool off a bit and festivals start popping up everywhere. I love arts and craft festivals and especially music festivals. There is a great festival happening if you live in Arizona…

Fan Mail

I have the best fans ever! It's so exciting to get packages in the mail from people don't you think? I have met so many amazing people through singing. I can't believe it but I've actually made some "fans" and they are so thoughtful to go the…

James A. Owen

Last night I met James A. Owen author of the best selling series, The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Georgraphica while performing for the Awards Ceremony at Writers Unite to Fight Cancer. More than a million copies of his…

Everything is better with music

Wouldn't you agree? I can't seem to do much without it. Okay I might already be preaching to the choir but I don't want to live without music in my life. I love MUSIC! Think of all the things we do with good music as our companion. Do we drive…

Softly and Tenderly

Softly and Tenderly is a song recorded on the "Sweet By and By" album by Vanessa Joy. To listen to it click here or here. Or you can purchase the album here. The lyrics and music are by Will L. Thompson. The Lyrics are below.   Softly…

Writers Unite to Fight Cancer

Excited to be teaming up with Writers Unite to Fight Cancer. I talked about it in the Beehive newspaper in December and will also be performing with them in September in Arizona.

Janice Kapp Perry

It was thrilling to sing with Janice Kapp Perry this year in her classes at BYU Education week. She is a beautiful composer who has written so many inspired pieces of music and it was an honor to be able to sing with her on one of the new songs…

BYU Campus Education Week 2013

I'm performing in classes Tuesday through Friday this week at BYU Campus Education Week. My classes begin on Wednesday at 11:10 a.m. and I will also be singing in Marvin Goldstien's classes beginning on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. and Janice…

What a Joy!

Look what I got today! A beautiful women brought me this candy with my name on it and told me how much she had enjoyed my singing in class. It really made my day! I just want to give her a public "thank you" and also let her know it is still…

Vanessa Joy Singing with MC6

I had a great time singing at a fireside with MC6 the other night. It was so fun hearing their harmony parts. They are a group of a cappella singers and they sing fantastic hits of the 40's and 50's. Go see them when you're in Phoenix, and check…


I cannot believe it has been a year ago from today that I got to go on a tour to Italy. Getting to sing in Pompeii was short and sweet. Well, I take that back, the drive was not short and sweet, it was a long 4 hours one way! We were not able…

My Music Quote

Recently I was asked to write a paragraph about music for a book. The book is called, "Where Words Fail, Music Speaks" written by Susan Easton Black and Marvin Goldstein. Marvin told me that it was back in 1995 that he used the title in describing…


It was a great morning today! I attended a Toastmasters club meeting today and I got to give an extemporaneous speech and won an award. (Maybe they give awards to all the newbies... who knows?) I'm excited to go back. It was cool to meet so…

Piano Jewelry

Ba ba ba Bling! I found some cute jewelry recently and wanted to share my fun find with you. It was staring at me through the glass case at the Phoenix Symphony gift shop (operated in the lobby of Symphony Hall before/durring concerts) as…

Do I have albums for sale?

Yes! Just in case you are wondering where you can purchase my my music, the albums I have for sale are right here in my store. Also, the secret is out - my 3rd album is currently in progress and will be released this summer. Stay tuned…

JoyFullMusic Class

Today I got to teach a "Joy Full Music Class" in a local preschool. Joy Full Music program has specially designed curriculum with activities, music, dancing, rhythm, instrumentation singing and more. I have missed teaching young students…

Fireside Mesa, AZ

Fireside Sunday March 24, 2013 Val VIsta Stake Center 1483 N Driftwood Dr. Gilbert, AZ 85234 7:00 pm

Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau

The castle that inspires all fairy-tales and dreams to come true is found in Fussen, Germany. It is called Neuschwanstein Castle. I loved visiting this castle as well as the castle next door called Hohenschwangau. I got to ride in a horse drawn…

Las Vegas Singles Conference 2013

I'll be performing and teaching at the Las Vegas Singles Conference this Friday-Sunday February 15-17. Click here for more information.

Jeff Goodrich

Amazing! I actually got to meet the composer of one of the most beautiful songs ever written. Jeff Goodrich has written many songs in his lifetime, but I specifically remember singing the music "I heard Him Come" when I was very young and I…

What a weekend!

What a great weekend. Just finished performing for a Tri-Stake Youth Conference in Peoria, AZ. There was a huge group of youth in attendance and it was so fun performing for them and meeting so many of them too. I think they had a great time…

Run For Hearing!

I love the Osmond's! Run 4 HEARING is an race coming up this Saturday in Arizona! It is an incredible event Benefiting the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund and I'm so excited they will be here Saturday morning November 17 beginning at 9:00 am. The…


I had a great time performing for a Youth Conference in Gilbert, AZ on Saturday. It was super fun to meet so many amazing young adults and be part of a great conference called, "FINDING JOY IN THE JOURNEY"! (Love that title.) I was given a T-shirt…

Phoenix Singles Conference

I'll be performing Oct 20 for the Phoenix Singles Conference. Saturday, October 20th - Tempe &  Glendale Locations Location: Tempe West Stake Center: 1050 W. Grove Parkway, Tempe, AZ 85283    “Life Changing…

CD Signing Party

The CD Signing party on Saturday was great! There were so many people in the store, it felt like Christmas time during  "DOORBUSTERS!" I had to say "excuse me", so I didn't bump into anyone every time I went anywhere in the store. It was…

Vivaldi's Four Seasons

I saw Vivaldi's Four Seasons at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts last night. It was sold out and so inspiring and beautiful. The violinist played on a Stradivarius violin that was brought for her exclusive use by a private sponsor.…

Ladies Night!

Come see me at the Glendale, AZ Deseret Book location on Saturday October 5, 2012 between 5:00-7:00 PM. I will be giving away 5 FREE Albums and there will be more FREE STUFF, plus discounts and food!! It's going to be a party and I…

What don't you understand?

I got a kick out of this shirt! I saw it while I was out this weekend. I wish more people in this world did understand music and wanted it in their lives. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all made learning an instrument a priority?…

Jerry Tickets

It seems like I have been waiting to go see this guy for 15 years! I watched a DVD of Jerry Seinfeld's routine several years ago and I wanted to watch him live so badly. I have never been in a city where he has been performing, and I have…

Meet Merrill and Justin Osmond

What a sweet night. It was an honor to sing for Merrill Osmond and Justin Osmond's fireside, "Gospel in Action". Their words were very uplifting and inspiring. It was  touching to learn about what they do. I cried almost all night. We even…

Singing this Sunday in Gilbert, AZ

Please come see me sing! At "The Gospel in Action" Fireside with Merrill Osmond at 7:00 p.m. September 16, 2012 at the Val Vista Lakes Stake Center 1005 S Voyager Dr, Gilbert, Arizona 85234   Merrills…

Meet Dana Harper

This weekend I met with movie star Dana Harper. He's a cool guy! He lives in Mesa, Arizona. He was in the movie "The R.M." and has a long history in the entertainment field. He hosted his own cable TV show! This guy has done it all!  He…

CD Signing Amahila's Visit

Its always so much fun when a new product comes out. It is a huge accomplishment. So much goes into a project. So much work, time and effort. Sometimes it takes months, even up to a year or more to complete an album. There are so many steps…


I can't stop listening to the music for "Under the Sea". I was so excited to get it in the mail. I saw the movie in the Omnimax Theater in Minnesota and I couldn't wait to get the soundtrack! It was a long wait but now it is in my car and…

Lake Harriet Bandstand

I love this place. I love to go to outdoor music events during the summer every chance I get. As a child,  I grew up right on this lake and heard many concerts as I swam in the lake and many times  I could hear the music while playing…

Campus Education Week BYU

I got my packet from BYU in the mail! I'm super excited to be teaching again at Campus Education Week this year August 13-17. I hope to see some/all of you there. I've met so many wonderful people and made some great friends. I am very thankful…

Paul Bunyan Land

I was so happy to see this place had not changed much since I was a kid, in fact, I know I sat on some of the very same rides when I was child. It still has a sweet innocence about it and I love how Paul Bunyan never forgets my name no matter…

Minneapolis needs musicans?

This sign caught my eye when I was picking up my suitcase in baggage claim at the airport yesterday. How totally cute to have a piano in an airport with a sign telling you to sit down and play! I love it! I love Minnesota. I'm so excited to…

Pack today gone tomorrow

I just returned home to Arizona from my trip to Utah last night, and I'm repacking my bags today to leave tomorrow for Minnesota. (Did you follow all that?) Today I'm doing laundry and scrambling last minute. Gosh I hope I don't forget anything.…

Olympic Flame in Greece

This was one of the highlights of my trip. It was so cool to see the Olympic flame in Greece. The flame is a symbol of spirit, knowledge and life. 

Trevi Fountain

I wanted to throw a coin into the fountain so I would be ensured a return to Rome. You can't really tell in the pictures but I did get it over my left shoulder. This was my first trip to Rome, so I'll let you know if the legend holds…

The Roman Forum

What an impressive ruin of architectural fragments and intermittent archaeological excavations. (Yep that's straight from my tour book...) This location holds many of the important structures of the ancient city.  I walked so much on this…

Pisa, Italy

Where is pointer... Where is pointer Here I am... Here I am Holding up the tower... Holding up the tower Oh so strong Oh so strong! The leaning tower of Pisa was amazing. It was so fun to hold it up with my pointer finger.…

Statues in Florence, Italy

I loved Florence. Seeing the David statue by Michelangelo was something I had only dreamed about doing. I had no idea how much detail was in his face until I was able to view him in person, it is hard to describe the detail,  it is not…

Ravenna, Italy

I got to sing in the Mausoleum of Galla Pacidia, it has been described as "the earliest and best preserved of all mosaic monuments, and at the same time one of the most artistically perfect". The acoustics were beautiful.


While visiting Venezia, I found a restorante I had read about before going to Italy. I never dreamed I would find the place, but while riding on a gondola ride, we floated by the sign, "Da Ivo" and  I couldn't believe it. "Da Ivo" was so…


There are so many beautiful churches, this one is in Keiserslautern. Nothing is open in Germany on Sunday, what a nice thing that is too!

Yellow Flowers

When I flew into Frankfurt, Germany I saw big crops of green and yellow. I wanted to know what the yellow patches of brightness were so badly and today I finally found them! Here is one up close and personal. Does anyone know this flower?

Have bag, will travel!

My bags are packed! Leaving for Germany in 2 days and I can't wait. I will sing for the USO, Wounded Warrior's in Landstuhl and Frankfurt, Germany. I also head to Italy and Greece for a 3 week tour.

CD Signing party!

Ladies Night was a hit! My goodness more than 100 women showed up for the free food and discounted products at Deseret Book on Saturday evening. It was a party and I got to meet so many great people. I hope to be able to do it again soon!

Photo Shoot

I did a photo shoot today and here is a sneak peek!

It's Ladies' Night

Don't miss Ladies Night tonight at Deseret Book from 5:00-7:00 PM. I'm signing CD's today at the Glendale location. Get 20% off my products, and win prizes, enjoy refreshments and the first 100 women get a free framed quote! I hope to see you…


Got to see Wicked for the second time over the weekend. What song do you like best from the show?    

Vanessa Joy Sings at Billy Dean Concert This is a photo of the first day I met Billy Dean. I got to sing in his concert that very night and you can click here to view one of the songs I performed that evening. 

Free Download

I want to make sure you all know about my free gift to you. Go here to recieve a FREE download.

Rate "Sweet By and By"

Please go to HERE to Deseret Book to rate my album "Sweet By and By" on their website. I need some ratings on there! I'd sure appreciate you taking the time to do this for me. Thanks in advance!

Meet Rob

I was asked to sing a solo called, "We Must Sing". The music is beautiful and written by Rob Gardner . Shortly after I sang this song I learned about a production called "Lamb of God" that would be held at the Gammage Auditorium…

Expressions Of Our Savior - DVD

Feel the spirit of the Savior as you view more than 40 inspirational images by artist Greg Olsen while listening to sacred muisc sung by Vanessa Joy, accompanied by pianist Marvin Goldstein. Hymns include Be Thou My Vision, In the Garden, Abide…

Meet Chele

I had so much fun watching Idol in the SKYE rooting for Chele! She sings and travels with Sister Sledge productions ("WE ARE FAMILY") all over the world! I heard her perform her own medley of Stevie Wonder songs during the semi finals…

Hello tours international

Tour the globe with Vanessa Joy! Visit for more information!