Do you believe this scripture in the Bible?

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them.” – John 10:27

How do we know God’s voice? What does that mean to you?

To me, it means I want to be counted as His Sheep and know and recognize his voice in my life. He has direction for me that is specific to me.

By practicing. By listening. By being still. By being quiet. By journaling it.

It becomes a habit.

Start praying every day and expect an answer. Start pondering and using quiet time to listen for his answers in your prayer time. God wants to talk to you.

I pray every morning. What ever comes up in my Spirit I write it down. This has helped me sort out my thoughts and learn how to hear the Lord.

Even when I’m not sure if it’s God. I write it down. Just write down what comes to your heart after you pray. Try it. Over time, you’ll see and begin to recognize  how to do this. You will become more confident, and less hesitant.

The most important thing is to get started. Get in the habit. If you need help getting this into your routine get the daily journal to help you succeed and get started achieving your goals today. Music also helps me in my prayer time. Right now you will receive a free gift of music with every journal purchase.

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy