Do you know what direction you are headed? Do you know how to get to your next step in life? Do you want some help to get there? Are you expecting answers from God but not getting them?

I’d like to share 4 steps to help you to receive answers that will guide you.

The first way to prepare to receive answers is to have a clean space to live in. If you go into the room and it’s junky, you’ll feel distracted.

Clean it up.

If you are preparing for a guest to arrive, you usually clean up before they arrive right? If you are expecting answers from God, make sure your environment is clean and tidy. God is a special guest, and the space you live in needs to be cared for and free of clutter. Your mind will think clearly, and you will be in an environment that will feel better and not distract you. You will feel at peace and it will be inviting. You will receive creative ideas when you live in tranquility. Find and create a space you can feel at peace and invites the Spirit of God.

Practice listening and write down everything you hear during your pray time, come to your mind. Find a space that you can make peaceful and clean. Do that this week, and I’ll be back next week with the second step. 

I created a daily journal to help you too. I use this journal myself. Write it all down. God has so much to tell you.

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy