Here are 6 simple ways to reduce holiday stress right now!

It’s CHRISTMAS week! Can you believe it? It’s already almost here. Christmas time is such a fun time, but it can also be a very stressful time.

There are pressures like, financial, family, and being overcommitted to things! 

Whatever is stressing you out right now, we all deal with it at some point.

Stress can make you sick! Reducing your stress is important because it will help you to accomplish your dreams.

Here are 6 simple ways to help you reduce your holiday stress and feel calm. Trust me, this works!

  1. Spend time with God! Nothing reduces your stress more than spending time in prayer.
  2. Declutter your messy environment – It can leave us unhappy, anxious and depressed.
  3. Make your bed – This lowers stress because you’ve accomplished one thing right away in the morning. It will help you sleep better at night too!
  4. Plan the night before – Write down what you want to accomplish tomorrow so that you can rest tonight!
  5. Listen to uplifting music – Hope you’re enjoying all the FREE Christmas music on Spotify! This instantly changes the mood.
  6. Clean out the kitchen sink. Yes! That means go do the dishes before you get in you bed at night. It doesn’t take long… less than 10 minutes. Time yourself if you don’t believe me.

Hope this encourages you,

Vanessa Joy