There are so many things God has for you.

He wants to speak to you.

He wants you to hear Him.

One of the best ways I know how to hear God in my life, is during my journaling time each day.

In Jeremiah 30:2 God tells us to write down all the words that he has “spoken unto thee in a book”. I use a journal and a pen in my prayer time every day.

I have learned how to recognize His voice speaking to me little by little throughout my life. I write down what comes to my mind after prayer. It’s really just a matter of listening and being quiet.

Start a habit of expecting to hear from God each day. When you create time each day to be alone with God, you will begin to hear His voice.

Even if you spend just 5 minutes of quiet time you will reap many benefits.

You can use any journal or paper you already have on hand. I’ve created a  daily journal to help you succeed in your routine and get started achieving your goals today.

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy