Your words matter. 

Every one of the negative words you say can be changed to a positive word instead. Your mouth has power. What you speak out of your mouth is very important. There is power in your tongue. Journaling your thoughts will also help you too.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” -Proverbs 18:21

Here’s an example. You can change your words and it will change your life.

Changing words like:

Tired (instead use) Energized

Hopeless (instead use) hopeful

Depressed (instead use) Encouraged

Messy (instead use) Organized

Sad (instead use) Happy

Lazy (instead use) Energetic

If you would like a free download of positive declarations to speak daily click here, or to listen to them and repeat them after me click here.

Hope this encourages you,

Vanessa Joy