And the Lucky Winner is….

Congratulations Laurie McDonald! Please contact me here with your address so we can send you your package.

Only 4 days left

Go to my faceboook page and enter to win my new album "Forever". Hurry - only 4 days left!

Find JOY in the moment

Live in the moment. Did you know this helps with any anxiety, stress, depression, and worry? Living in the moment cures yourself of any of these problems. You see, living in the moment - in this very moment - is kinda hard to do. We all think…

Win a copy of my newest album "FOREVER"

Enter to win a copy of my newest album (plus two to give away to your friends) Check out my Facebook page for more details.

When is your next visit to the Holy Land?

Come with me to Israel. Experience the Holy Land with Cruiselady tours. It will be an adventure of fun to discover this beautiful place with musical performances all over the region. We'll visit places like, Jericho, Jordan River, Ein Karem,…

How to Find Joy and Achieve Your Goals

Wanna know a little primping secret? How do you reach goals? How does everything you touch turn to gold? How do you get everything you ever wanted? I believe one way is by practicing thankfulness. Yes, you will see results by being grateful.…

Luxury Bath

This is probably the most expensive bath you will ever take - but it is very luxurious and you will feel incredible! Talk about primping yourself! This is it! I used to only use showers. (Still do) I'm a quick get-it-done no nonsense person…

Water Cleanse

I just finished a 3 day water cleanse. It's another way to "Primp". I'm still not finished with this deep cleanse, I'm now adding juices. I want you to know my experience about the water cleanse. I have been fasting once a month since I was…

Celebrate good times… Come on!

Celebrate good times! This is a time to celebrate. If you've had a good day, give yourself a pat on the back. If you've had a good week make a dinner reservation. If you've had a good month it's time to start dancing! Start looking at what you…

Mary Mary… How does your garden grow?

Really? People ask, "How do I do it all?" My answer - I don't do "it all" at once. Come on everyone superwoman doesn't exist. Or does she? I think you already know the answer. I hate to disappoint you but the secret is one little step at a time,…

The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

I love watching the sun rise in the morning it is powerful to witness the majesty it brings to the entire earth. I love taking time out for myself to sit  by myself and reflect on who I am and what I want to become. Morning is a great…

Good Mornin… Good Mornin…

Good Morning. Are you awake? Do you wake up early? I do. It's 5AM. Nothing is open. At least not much, I understand why most people want to sleep. There's no incentive to wake up early right? Many of us have jobs we do from home, and nowhere…

Dreams - Want to eat the pie in the sky?

Why write my dreams down on paper? Can't I just use my phone to make a list? Why do I live in the dark ages?  Okay, yes, I use my phone for lists. Especially if I'm already looking for things on the internet and need the link or address/phone…

Accomplish your dreams - "TO DO" LISTS

Let's talk about lists. TO DO lists! There are so many organizational items, books, gadgets and gizmos galore out there to help you be more efficient and I tell you what, it can get expensive. I love being organized and I love having my mind…