I love Sunday. It is my restart button day. I love that it is a simple day and a day to recharge my batteries. I say simple because I don’t do my normal routine. I do not make trips to the grocery store, in fact I do not leave my house unless it’s to go to church, (sing) or visit my family. I recharge my spirit and get things back on track. The right track. This weekly primping time is so important to me. I look forward to it too. I’m so thankful I have things already set in place to utilize Sunday as my organizational day for the week. I not only keep it simple on this day, but a lot of times I unplug on this day. In fact, I’m writing this post (not on Sunday) so I can do just that, unplug. I like time off and this actually brings me a lot of happiness. Removing myself from my phone and computer is a big deal. It gives me a chance to reflect on my life and ponder about what is most important. Sunday is my day to relax, rest, recuperate,and  recharge because I’ve made a choice not to do things I would do on a regular day. Sunday is a sacred day for me. I spend time reading, worshipping and preparing.

So today I want to tell you one thing I do on Sunday that helps me “Primp” for the week. (Besides unplugging my phone) Sunday gives me a chance to do things that I normally don’t have time to do.  I look over what I want to be accomplishing the following week. I do this by setting aside time to plan. I get out my calendar and look over all the responsibilities I’m committed to. I look over things my family needs me to do for them. I spend a lot of time reflecting about what God wants me to do. (More on my calendar later) On a good week I’ll also make a meal plan too. I like making sure everyone knows my schedule and I like knowing mine too. Things are much better the following week if I’ve looked over what I want to accomplish ahead of time. 

A lot of people have asked me how I accomplish so much all the time. My answer is to plan ahead. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I find it much easier to write everything down. I live with a notebook in my purse. Being productive makes me feel better, but actually just relaxing and doing nothing can be productive too, it helps my mind to unwind. Also learning to celebrate, especially the little things can do great things for more motivation! I love planning and I think one of the biggest reasons I accomplish as much as I do is because I’ve learned how to say yes to myself first! When you learn how to say yes to yourself you will accomplish your dreams. When you say yes to yourself first, it’s easier to deal with demands that are put on you. Putting yourself first  is hard for some people to accept or even comprehend. If it means you have to get up 15 minutes earlier than everyone else in your home – DO IT! You won’t regret time alone with yourself. If you don’t take care of you  first, no one else is going to do it. How do you expect to do for someone else when your own needs are not being met?  Get okay with loving yourself and give yourself time to fill up. “Primp” yourself and when you feel good inside, you’ll want to give to others.

Just last week I brought a meal over to family who had a baby. I was out of town when she had the baby. I had been thinking of them, and could not get them off of my mind. I still wanted to bring in a meal to them even though the baby is now 2 months old. Yes I wasn’t able to do it the week she got home from the hospital, but who doesn’t want dinner? I did it because it makes me feel good to serve others. Ideally it would have been nice to bring it over the night she got home from the hospital, but I had to take care of my needs first. They were not counting on me to bring dinner. I had no commitments to them. When I got home from my trip, I didn’t bring in a meal  the night I got home, it took me several weeks to do it. (Keep in mind I went out of town 3 more times) How do I accomplish so many things on my list? Well, I don’t do them all at once. It’s not always the day I write it down on my list. I keep it on my list until it gets done. (I’ll talk more on the subject of lists here.) The thing is, I don’t ignore it once it’s gone past a comfortable amount of time. Yes maybe it is embarrassing to be late doing something you said you wanted to do, but what is worse? Being late? Or never following through? (Gosh I wish more people would follow through. Including myself, I know I’m not perfect at this either. If I don’t follow through it’s because I forgot.) I hope this helps you. Get yourself taken care of first, so you can be a better help to others in the future. Follow through with your intentions. It is better to be late than never. Keep it simple, plan ahead, and learn to primp your schedule on a regular basis.