Will you be attending BYU Education Week this year? Have you registered for it yet? This year I’ll be joining Marvin Goldstein in his classes as well as Janice Kapp Perry in hers. The major focus of the classes we offer at BYU Education Week are based on Hymns of praise. Hymns are inspirational and bless our lives if we let them. Hymns can be used as guidance and answers to prayer. There is so much we can learn by listening to uplifting inspirational music and hymns definitely fall into this category! 

Together at BYU Education Week we will be giving classes on the following subjects; Dedicating Talents to the Work of the Lord, Inviting the Spirit of the Lord Through Music, Experiencing New Insights Through Music, and Beautiful Music That Honors the Lord Jesus Christ. You can find out more by going here. 

As you participate at BYU Education Week you will feel an abundance of God’s love in your life. You deserve a spiritual retreat! You will be inspired by all the many uplifting messages and motivated by speakers. If you attend BYU Education Week in the past, please share your comments below about how it has blessed your life. And if you get a chance I’d love to see you, hug you and sing for you this year! Please come up and say hi to me, I’d love to meet you.

Here’s what people have been sharing about our BYU Education Week Classes. Or you can go here for a testimonial video.

“I couldn’t get enough of Vanessa’s Voice, and Marvin was hilarious!” – Valerie

“I thrilled at your education week performances last week. I hope you’ll be back next year, and can say a bit more. 🙂 I found your “Sweet by and by” CD at the BYU Bookstore.” -Hugh Hales